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What Is Xenon?Xenon is odorless and colorless and is used in many different lamps like photographic flash lamps, stroboscopic lamps, bactericidal lamps, high-intensive arc-lamps for motion picture projection, high-pressure arc lamps to produce ultraviolet light, and in very bright lamps used for deep-sea observation, these are said to illuminate better than conventional lights. It can also be used in headlights and fog lights on some vehicles as well as in nuclear energy in bubble chambers, probes and other applications.Share

We offer Xenon (XE) in a variety of options.

Supply Options


We deliver xenon in high-pressure steel and aluminum cylinders that range from 25 to 10,000 liters with pressures up to 200 bar.

If you are not sure what supply is right for you or you would like more information about what we can do for you and your industry, then please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Xenon can be used in the following Industries:

Aerospace & Aircraft Industry
Automotive & Transportation Industry